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sound healing



Transformation through

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Is a dynamic and powerful force that can retune our bodies to higher vibrational frequencies and natural rhythms. Our physical bodies miraculously synchronize to the harmonic inflections created by crystal singing bowls in concert with our most powerful instrument: the human voice. These reverberations act as stimulants in the alpha and theta brain waves associated with meditative states of stillness and relaxation.



of Sound Healing:

  • Reduction of chronic pain, migraines and stress

  • Increased immune function

  • Relief from depression, heartbreak, and anxiety

  • Increased productivity and focus

  • Cessation of sleep disorders and insomnia

  • Physical healing from illness and disease

  • Enhanced energy levels

  • Renewed sense of well-being, calm, and happiness.


Sound serves us as a portal for healing and unconditional love.

It holds space for us to embody our divinity and connect with the unseen realm of higher consciousness.


During a 1:1 healing, I began to work on my client’s chakras. When I reached her heart chakra, I encountered her grandmother who had passed over. She instructed me to sing “Amazing Grace.” I followed this divine direction, using my voice as a channel for this sweet guardian soul. Immediately, my client’s heart broke open, and the tears began to flow.


Following our session, she told me that “Amazing Grace” was her grandmother’s favorite song, and she sang it at her funeral. This encounter was transformative for her. Having such intimate, meaningful experiences with my clientele is the inspiration for my work as a Holographic Sound Healer.

We offer a variety of options for you to experience the magic of sound.

where are you drawn to go?


A custom blend of sound healing, guided meditation, breathwork, reiki, crystal therapy, intuitive guidance, oracle reading, throat chakra activation, and more. If you are searching for healing in a private, personalized, and loving environment, this service is for you!


Open your heart + radiate love with a restorative cosmic sound bath and chakra balancing.

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A custom blend of plant medicine, sound healing, guided meditation, breathwork, reiki, crystal therapy, intuitive guidance, oracle reading and more. This offering is perfect for you if you are curious about (or experienced with) integrating sacred plant medicine into your healing journey.

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