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Starseed Sisterhood 

Psychedelic Solstice Retreat

Awaken Your Feminine Power + Pleasure

June 21-23rd | Boulder, CO

Welcome Home Sister,

Join high vibe, spiritual women for a 3 day retreat over the Solstice + Full Moon weekend! You will connect with the wisdom of your womb, free your voice, meet soul sisters, and awaken your feminine power + pleasure.

This is your opportunity to release self limiting beliefs, worship your body temple, embrace sensuality, and create space to manifest all that you desire from a place of inspiration, ease and joy.
Water Ripple

During this intimate Group Experience, you will move through a Series of initiations to...







This space is for you if you:

✨Feel the need to slow down and reconnect with their bodies and pleasure.


✨ Are experiencing burnout and seek rejuvenation and inner balance.


✨ Struggle with anxiety or trapped emotions and desire a loving space to free your expression.


✨ Are curious about healing with plant medicine and wish to explore it in a safe setting.


✨ Desire to reclaim their voice and unlock their throat chakra for authentic self-expression.


✨ Are curious about tantra.


✨ Wish to explore practices to connect with your Yoni.


✨ Seek to heal from past wounds, release shame + trauma, and cultivate a greater capacity for love.

Magic Included...

✨ Mushroom Ceremony

✨ Rapeh Ceremony

✨ Vegan, organic meals

✨ Tantric womb ceremony

✨ Embodiment practices

✨ Free your voice ceremony

✨ Slaying body shame ceremony

✨ Chakra dance

✨ Sound healing + reiki

✨ Platonic intimacy

✨ Guided meditation

**Bring your own sleeping mat + comfy items for sleepover style sleeping**

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Day 1


4PM: Arrival


5PM: Opening Ceremony


7PM: Dinner


8PM: Tantric Womb Ceremony

Day 2


7:30-9AM: Qi Gong + Embodiment Practices


9-10AM: Breakfast


10-12PM: Healing Body Shame Ritual


12-2PM: Free Time


2-4PM: Free Your Voice Ceremony


4-5PM: Free Time


5-9PM: Rapeh + Microdosing Journey


9PM: Light Grounding Nourishment

Day 3


7:30-9AM: Chakra Dance + Emotional Release9-10AM: Breakfast


10-12PM: Integration Circle


12-1PM: Lunch


1-2PM: Free Time


2-4PM: Pleasure Ritual + Closing Ceremony

Connect with your womb, embrace your sensuality + awaken your divine feminine power + pleasure! Held over the potent portal of the Solstice!

Inside The Starseed Sisterhood you will…


✨ Gain knowledge of the goddesses + learn how to unlock this power within yourself


✨ Heal/ bring awareness to ancestral wounds, + feel empowered in your sacred sexuality through tantra


✨ Learn rituals, meditations, and practices to take into your everyday spiritual practice


✨ Feel seen, heard, and loved by high vibe soul sistars! 


✨ Forgive and love yourself unconditionally- the light and dark. 


✨ Connect with past life wisdom, Star Family, your Akashic Records, practice ancient rituals, and deepen your spiritual journey. 


✨ Trust your intuition, unleash your divine feminine POWER, and awaken the GODDESS within!

Can you feel HER?

She’s calling you forward.

TRUST the call;

TRUST yourself...

You know it's time.

Jessica Strong, CO

This program rocket launched my growth exponentially. It helped me connect with and HEAL MY INNER CHILD and cultivate a deeper relationship with my HIGHER SELF. I find myself asking ‘what would my higher self do in this situation?’ instead of just reacting. It helped me connect with a bunch of amazing women who are on the same path and have inspired me. If this program is in front of you, I highly recommend that you say YES!”

Vanessa, CO

“It was such an amazing experience! I can't speak highly enough of Sasha and her ability to see each of the women as whole, beautiful beings. I felt so EMPOWERED and ENLIGHTENED. Since joining her circle I’ve been focusing more on mothering myself, cultivating abundance and enjoying the beauty that surrounds me everyday. I highly recommend joining her community if you have the chance. You won’t be sorry.”

Miranda, CO

“Joining the Starseed Sisterhood and having the space for reflection and introspection was immensely valuable. Now i feel like i can bring that to my day to day! The ceremonies were a great time to feel SO FREE! I had so much fun with my sisters! I carry that with me and I still go to ecstatic dance and other things I never thought I would before joining the group. Overall, I’m so grateful I said yes and i committed to myself and that I’m on my path!

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